eMBurr ~ Just about this and that!

Random posts about random things that interest me..at moment anyway..

My latest random post.

This block is here to separate the block above from the block below.

Things WordPress and I Made.

With lots of help from the WordPress community!

ilovenelson.com website

I Love Nelson ~ Nelson BC

I first started looking after the I Love Nelson website in 2012. My first rebuild of the site after a long while was in June 2013. Since then I moved across Canada and the website was sold to someone who still lives in Nelson BC. I have since rebuilt the ILN site a few times, this latest version was made this March/April 2023.

Dan’s Tree Service ~ Windsor ON

I first worked on this website in May 2016 for a dear friend Dan Landgraff. Sadly Dan passed away suddenly in 2022 (not work related). His son Matt Langraff is proudly carrying on the long standing family tradition of tree care in the Windsor Essex County region of Southern Ontario in Canada.

danstreeservice.ca website
okbt.ca website

Ontario Kayak Bass Trail ~ OKBT

Just as the big bad “C19” became a thing I found my self board with fishing from the bank of the river or lakes. That’s when I discovered that kayak fishing was a thing. This lead to many used up hours watching YouTube.. I discovered the OKBT group on Facebook that was in my area and was happily hooked. They did not have a website only the FB group so I picked up the domain and this is what I made to support them.